Elementary Classes
K-2nd Reading Program:
(focuses on Balanced Literacy instruction)
Students will do site word work, participate in guided reading lessons, and read independently
All work will be based on students individual reading level
Students will also be taught reading skills such as decoding, reading comprehension of fictional and nonfictional text, reading fluency, inferencing, and other higher-level reading skills.
Reading independently will be for both enjoyment and for the student to display their understanding of what they are reading through journaling, projects, book reports, and formal papers.
3rd-5th Reading Program:
(transitioning from learning to read to reading to learn)
Studies have shown children who read a variety of text written for different purposes will become more effective readers and writers, therefore we have focused on creating a program that has students read more novels and begin to read many different types of texts
The focus will be on strong comprehension skills and being able to build writing skills to match the reading skills
Also teaching them how to apply reading comprehension skills to determine the author's purpose, explicit and implicit meaning, and other upper-level skills.
Our writing curriculum is like no other! We integrate subjects across the curriculum to give students a multitude of opportunities to write. We teach students how to write for a variety of purposes, applying grammatical and mechanical skills, and show them how to write a well-written paper through a spiral approach we create writers that are college-ready.
Lucy Calkins, "In her role as the Founding Director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, a New York City-based organization that has influenced literacy instruction around the globe for more than thirty years, Lucy has developed a learning community of brilliant and dedicated teacher educators who have supported hundreds of thousands of teachers, principals, superintendents, and policy-makers in schools that bear their distinctive mark: a combination of joy and rigor in the classrooms, and entire school communities—teachers, principals, parents, kids—who wear a love of reading and writing on their sleeves.", has been whom we have modeled our writing curriculum around. We look at what her main goals are for students:
help them to grasp opinion/argument, information, and narrative writing with increasing complexity and sophistication
guide students to attain and exceed expectations
foster high-level thinking, including regular chances to synthesize, analyze, and critique
develop and refine strategies for writing across the curriculum
support greater independence and fluency through intensive writing opportunities
include strategic performance assessments to help monitor mastery and differentiate instruction
provide a ladder of exemplar texts that model writing progressions across grade levels, K–8
Kindergarten through 2nd grade-
focus on free writing
writing for different purposes
learn grammar
sentence formation/paragraph formation
how to make writing rich with details.
Writing Program 3 in 1
3rd- 5th grade-
focus on transitions from paragraph to paragraph
thesis writing
continue to write for a variety of purposes
look deeper into editing and how to incorporate their prior knowledge of spelling, grammar, and proofreading skills into the editing process.

Math Program
Math skills are necessary for everyday life yet so often the foundational skills such as basic facts and word problems are rushed through leaving children with gaps in their understanding of math later on down the road. R.I.S.E. focuses on strong visual foundational skills K-3rd grade, concept application, and processes in 4th-6th grade, preparing students for higher-level math in middle school, and college-preparatory math and advanced math at the high school level. Students who participate in our math program tend to be a year to two years past their public school peers.
Singapore Math is our main curriculum used in the Kindergarten through fifth grade*. We also use a technology-enhanced learning model to focus on mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, and other skills that are more based on memory. Students grasp simple concepts through games, hands-on tasks, and paper-pencil tasks. In making sure our students are grasping all concepts we use many different resources to tap into each of the 7 types of learning styles and to reteach and review concepts that children may need more practice and repetition to grasp.
In 4th and 5th grade we start to really focus on word problems and introducing concepts in a way that helps students to be able to transition to higher-level math courses and understand them.

At RISE Hybrid we realize the importance of introducing basic foundational science concepts and provide opportunities to explore those concepts. All of the topics in our program are tied to national and state standards, but we offer a project based option or traditional option for all of our science coursework until the student reaches middle school. Our overall goal is to give children enough background knowledge through experimenting, forming hypotheses, and having different field experiences so that they like scientists will be able to form their own understanding of the world around them.
Social Studies/ History
In elementary school we focus on students having an understanding of what history is, the importance of knowing about different places and being able to locate them, and the significance of other cultures on our own. We look at Ancient civilizations and work our way through colonization, wars, westward expansion, reconstruction, and state-specific history. Students have the option of learning through doing project-based history or traditional.
Middle School Classes
6th-8th grade Reading Program:
(Introduction to the Classics)
Students will be given classics that are age-appropriate and will discuss and learn about how the classics relate to different time periods in history and the overall significance of how classics can teach about life lessons that transcend the test of time.
Students will be given writing assignments that compare, contrast, and ask them to truly show that they understand what they are reading and can relate those stories to their own life which is what good readers do.
Writing Courses-
All students once ready will be enrolled in a writing course with their own one-to-one writing coach. Students will compose narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive papers. This will build their writing stamina as well as their editing skills as they go through all steps of the writing process.

Middle School and High school students when ready move into Shormann math, where they are able to place into Pre-algebra or Algebra I. Once in Algebra I, this program allows students to complete Algebra I, Algebra 2, Geometry, Pre- Calculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus all by graduation and be prepared to be successful in college-level math. Since this is a very intense program student go at their own pace so they are working towards mastery. Once students complete these courses they are able to take placement tests at their local college* and start working towards college credits.
*(based on individual students ability and age)
Students will delve more deeply into understanding the scientific process and begin to take traditional course work in classes like:
Earth Science
Integrated Chemistry and Biology
Introduction to Biology
* All classes depend on students placing into classes and being enrolled in the required math course

Social Studies/ History
In middle through high school students in Language Arts will learn about topics in Social Studies/History through reading, writing, and completing projects. For example, students reading The Diary of Anne Frank, discuss topics about the holocaust, have web chats to discuss specific chapters of the book and describe the feelings that the book evoked, write to inform, compare and/or reflect while covering a period in history and bringing to light meaningful content that the students will be encouraged to connect to their own lives.
The way that we have set the history program is so that students in 5th-8th grade will cover U.S. history from the beginning to the Reagan Administration. Students will be asked to do hands-on activities and create projects based on their learning of major events after the Reagan Administration. Students also have the option to take choice courses offered.
High School Classes
9th-12th grade Reading Program:
(in-depth analysis of a varied array of literature )
Students will continue to read classics through the 9th and 10th grades and begin to truly see the difference in how to read and respond to different types of literature.
Students will develop a love for reading and find out more about what they as readers prefer and begin to choose books more along those lines. Writing will be college preparatory and therefore will be graded based on content, mechanics, and overall ability to meet criteria listed in the assignment.
Writing Courses-
All students once ready will be enrolled in a writing course with their own one-to-one writing coach. Students will compose narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive papers. This will prepare them to be successful in college level writing courses.

High school students when ready move into Shormann math, where they are able to place into Pre-algebra or Algebra I. Once in Algebra I, this program allows students to complete Algebra I, Algebra 2, Geometry, Pre- Calculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus all by graduation and be prepared to be successful in college-level math. Since this is a very intense program student go at their own pace so they are working towards mastery. Once students complete these courses they are able to take placement tests at their local college* and start working towards college credits.
*(based on individual students ability and age)
Students will have the opportunity to take advance, honors and college courses that will enhance their understanding in the sciences. Classes include but are not limited to:
Earth Science
Integrated Chemistry and Biology
Biology (Regular/Honors/AP/Dual Enrolled)
Chemistry (Regular/Honors/AP/Dual Enrolled)
Physics (Regular/Honors/AP/Dual Enrolled)
* All classes depend on students placing into classes and being enrolled in the required math course

Social Studies/ History
High school students in Language Arts will learn about topics in Social Studies/History through reading, writing, and completing projects. For example, students reading The Diary of Anne Frank, discuss topics about the holocaust, have web chats to discuss specific chapters of the book and describe the feelings that the book evoked, write to inform, compare and/or reflect while covering a period in history and bringing to light meaningful content that the students will be encouraged to connect to their own lives. Students will have the opportunity to take traditional course work as well as taking Honors, Advanced Placement and Dual Enrolled Courses to fulfill their high school requirements.